
Steider Studios glass garden ornaments add bright spots of color as your flowers fade.  All ornaments use copper wire hangers to wrap around small branches on your trees and shrubs.

My glass Ladybugs (©SteiderStudios 2013) are simple red and black.  Needed for good luck in your garden, these ladies won’t fly away.

The Garden Fairies (©SteiderStudios 2013) are two-sided with dichroic critters clinging to their skirt fronts or backs.  I create the girls with wild hair, sparkly dichroic eyes and expressive lips which adds to their charm as do the costumes they wear.  I sometimes add glow-in-the-dark glass to their iridescent wings for an evening surprise.  Every garden should have one of my Garden Fairies looking after it!

My butterflies (©SteiderStudios 2013) are created with a painterly approach using colorful powdered glass.  You can see how I make them on this post from November ’09.

Bugettes come in all colors of the rainbow and I love hanging them throughout my garden for a colorful accent.  This link shows my process for Bugettes.

Steider Studios:  Buggettes, Warm Colors

You can send an inquiry to purchase my Butterflies, Ladybugs, Bugettes and Garden Fairies to steiderstudiosart at gmail dot com.  If you’re looking for specific colors, or would like to discuss options please leave a message for me in the comment section below, or via email.

3 Responses to “Garden Ornaments”

  1. Metal Wall Art Says:

    Wow those butterflies are just too cute to ignore!


  2. Janice Says:

    These ornaments are so beautiful! The butterflies are especially detailed and elegant. I’m interested in buying one but I can’t get a good idea of how large they are. Could you post their dimensions or a picture with a coin as a reference point? Thanks!


  3. Thanks so much Janice! They are approximately 3.5″ long or tall x 3.5″ wide. Some are 4″ wide. You can see those I have available in my Zibbet shop here: http://www.zibbet.com/SteiderStudios/section/garden-ornaments


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