
Breaking News!

July 19, 2011

I’m excitedly announcing my affiliation with Bullseye’s Education Online!

Bullseye Kiln-glass Education Online

Bullseye is where I initially learned how to work with glass and I strongly recommend their online classes if you can’t get to a good instructor for a hands on class.  All you have to do is click the Bullseye Kiln-glass Education Online link, conveniently located in my sidebar.  See it?  It’s just to the right.  Click on it now.

Annual membership is just $39. As a member, you’ll enjoy immediate access to Bullseye’s complete library of online lessons to date. During the year, they’ll add 12 new videos, 1 per month, at no additional charge. Lessons last about 10-15 minutes. View them as often as you like, from any location with Internet access.

Learn the best ways to work with glass from the convenience of your own home or studio. Whether you’re a beginner or didn’t have access to good instructors at the beginning of your kilnforming journey, or just need a good refresher course I think you’ll benefit from this series of classes.  It’s the only set of on-line classes that I am proud to recommend.  So go ahead, click on the link & start your education now!  You’ll be glad you did.

If you’d like to be an affiliate it’s easy, just click here to sign up.

Flora abounds near my B & B near Palmer Alaska

If you’d like an adventure in learning, join me in Palmer Alaska at Half Moon Creek
next week for Powderology and Build a Better Pocket!

I’ve been working like a mad scientist putting together new bracelets and earrings for Trout Lake Festival of the Arts.  It’s hard to work with intention on one piece at a time, knowing my deadline is looming ever so close.  I seem to come up with better ideas just after the event, so will also have new things that were continued after the last art festival.

Hope I’ll see you there!  I’ll be inside the cool barn ~ come on in and say hello!

Trout Lake Festival of the Arts 2009

Over 50 juried artists at the base of Mt Adams (22 miles north of Hood River OR) in the rustic barn, outdoors, or garden setting. In addition to the art, visitors enjoy continuous live music, an outstanding variety of foods, local brews and wine. There is no admission fee and plenty of free parking.

July 16 & 17

10 am – 5 pm Saturday
10 am – 4 pm Sunday

The Farm
490 Sunnyside Rd
Trout Lake, Washington

Information for the current festival:

Music Schedule | Featured Artists |  Children’s Corner Food and Drink

In spite of looming deadlines, I have to stroll through my garden every day if possible this time of year.  After the festival I’ll take a couple days to catch my breath, sit in the warm sun surrounded by color and fragrance and maybe pull out the tallest weeds.

I am thrilled to have my work included in this week’s Fantastic Five, a regular feature on
Zibbet’s blog showcasing five items chosen from the entire Zibbet shopping site.  Keep in mind there are more than 5000 yellow items alone!  Written by Judy Youngquest of Portable Graffiti Graphics Proofreader, and Wild Goose Chase, the Fantastic Five article is published weekly.  Thank you Judy!

I spent the last two weeks with young people who give the greatest joy to my life.  As usual, they were inspiring.  All-Star team practice, dance recitals and loads of fun between.

Home now, it’s back to work filling and shipping orders, producing new jewelry to replenish my dwindling supply; and preparing for Trout Lake Festival of the Arts, which arrives every year the third weekend in July.  You’ll find me inside the cool and shady rustic barn.

Early August you’ll find me teaching again for Half Moon Creek in Palmer Alaska.

Welcome to Palmer Alaska

I’ll be teaching ‘Powderology’ and ‘Build a Better Pocket’ (brief class descriptions can be found on my Class Listings page).  I can’t wait!!  Join me!!!!