
Commitments and inspiration

October 16, 2009



Another day begins…

After taking a skip down my road I had to settle in and finish up some commitments I’d made in the studio.  Earrings, bracelets, butterflies, and beautiful glass boxes are finished and delivered or underway and nearing completion.

Earring group copy

Earrings coming to my on-line shop ~ Steider Studios

I also had some upcoming teaching commitments that include my basic six-week kilnforming class.   I’m hoping we have ten new converts to the wonderful world of kilnformed glass via The Dalles Art Center!  My students are having fun with their projects so far!  Tomorrow I’ll be hosted by Georgia at Glasshopper Patterns, the Queen of DICRO SLIDE for a glass clay class in Portland.   I’m packed up and ready to have a full day of fun with a great group of students that Georgia has invited into her studio.  Next weekend I’ll travel to Cascade Glass Art Center near Seattle for my Powderology’ course. There might still be a spot open if you’re interested!  Join us!!

Di's prototypes

For order inquiries SteiderStudios

More commitments coming up include participation in another Pittock Mansion Artist Spotlight, and working with local elementary age students in an after school program.  My local art galleries are already preparing for their holiday sales, so the next round of glass work will no doubt be geared for them.  And somewhere in between I’ll have my annual studio sale.  Would you like an invitation?  Send me a note so I can add you to my invitation list.  I turn my entire house into a gallery setting filled with sparkling beautiful glass for your shopping pleasure!

Sunset along the Columbia River Gorge

Sunset along the Columbia River Gorge

Between commitments I try to keep breathing & every once in a while remember to look up and enjoy the incredible vistas that surround me every day.  I take great inspiration from the landscapes of the Columbia River Gorge. The majesty of it gives me energy and spirit to move on to the next round of projects and the next set of classes.  Sometimes I have to stop everything and just breathe it in.



Skip work and chores?  Skip meals?  Skip the meeting, or blow off practice?  No, I mean take a friend’s hand or your dog on a leash and skip down the street.  Like you did when you were a kid.  That joyful giggly way of getting down the road a little quicker yet slow enough to take in the sights around you.  Caution:  This activity may cause anyone seeing you to smile or…even laugh.

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

This week begins a new 6 week entry-level kilnforming class and I looked forward to leading a new group of students into the world of kilnformed glass.  As I sat at the computer printing up handouts, mentally preparing the steps I like to take new students through, I looked out the window and just had to get outside.



Outside into one of the most gorgeous, windless, warm fall days ever.  Outside, into quite possibly the last beautiful day before autumn rains and (shudder) the snows of winter hit.



My heart begged me to leave the work at hand for a little while, take my beautiful dog who’s not had enough attention for too many days in a row and go for a walk.  A long walk.   It felt so peaceful, not a car passing, no loud lawn machinery, no one else around, just me with my dog, the birds and blue sky.

Berries of Elder

Elderberries lush & full 

Ready for harvest

Ready for harvest

My heart singing, I notice my surroundings with acuity.  It’s so beautiful I have to breathe in with all my senses.  I see the glory of fall surrounding us as we make our way down the road.  Really see it, the sharp lines of each leaf turned red, the achingly bright blue sky.  It’s so still I can hear the silence and the fresh crisp air is intoxicating.  The allure of an elderberry draws me in to touch it.  I feel the texture of the bark and the smooth round berries.



As we continued down the road, joy overtook me and I began to skip.  Yes, as in “skip, skip, skip to my Lou, skip to my Lou, my darlin’. I laughed, my dog looked at me as if to say ‘what’s up with that woman now’, but went with the flow and joyfully danced alongside me.

Catching some Rays

Catching some Rays

An hour later I was back to my class preparations, renewed with fresh excitement and tingling energy .

Bumble bee drinking Cosmos nectar

Bumble bee drinking Cosmos nectar

For some, the electric energy of a city, people and cars moving at a fast pace at the feet of skyscrapers are inspiration and gets their blood flowing.



For me, it’s the song of nature in her many forms.  What inspires you?  what makes your heart sing?

Overlooking the Columbia River

Overlooking the Columbia River

Will you skip down the road with me?

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