
Final Postcard Front

I have so many adventures to tell you about but time keeps slipping away!  I must stay home this week to prepare for Art in the Gorge.  18 artists showing our work downtown Hood River at 301 Oak (Third and Oak) in a Pop-Up art show on July 1, 2, and 3!  Open hours 11 am until 7 pm Friday & Saturday; 11 am until 5 pm Sunday.  First Friday in Hood River will be Fabulous!!  Arrive early for easy parking.

A few of the newest prints I’ll have in my booth will give you a glimpse of where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to the past few weeks:

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Sea Turtle on the North Shore of Oahu

Steider Studios.White-headed Woodpecker.6.12.16

White-headed Woodpecker nestling with Mama

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Moonrise on Kauai

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Strawberry Moon, Summer Solstice Full Moon 2016

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…and this year’s crop of Eaglets!

I’ll have all-occasion greeting cards and prints on paper, metal and canvas.  My art glass earrings, bracelets and a few other small items will also be available.

If you’re interested in my larger work I plan to re-stock my on-line boutique soon.  Most images that I share here can be printed in any size.  You can always contact me for an appointment if you’re in the area.

Come see me and my fellow artists  July 1, 2, and 3 downtown Hood River at 301 Oak.  

Steider Studios.Bird Walk.

June’s bird outing with the ‘Bird Nerds’ began north of Trout Lake.  We found one of my favorites, a Lazuli Bunting along with a surprising number of other species.

Steider Studios.Bird Walk.6.12.16

Cedar Waxwings were plentiful and not necessarily a surprise.  We also saw or heard Warbling Vireo, Red-eyed Vireo, Western Wood Pewee, Violet-green Swallow, Nashville Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, a Western Tanager and many more.

Steider Studios.Bird Walk.

A CATBIRD was definitely a surprise for me.  I didn’t know they were in our area!  Last year one of our members, John heard one in Hood River’s Powerhouse Corridor but this is my first sighting!

Steider Studios.Bird Walk.6.12.16-6

Half our group headed for Glenwood and were delighted to find this White-headed Woodpecker feeding her young.

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You know I took a gazillion photos ~ there are at least two in the nest, a boy & a girl.

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As long as we were in Glenwood we took a little hike at Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge where we found Eastern Kingbirds including one sitting on a nest!!

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We watched this Red-breasted Sapsucker delivering lunch to a nest cavity that we watched last year.

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Birds ate from feeders in front of the headquarters office while this Black-chinned Hummingbird buzzed about.

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Our group parted ways leaving me to drive a couple of my favorite Glenwood routes.  The song of Red-winged Blackbirds was everywhere.

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There was no traffic on a Sunday afternoon, so I drove the refuge perimeter leisurely.

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I found a large Wood Duck family.

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Mama kept the ducklings swimming away from me.

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I pretended not to care.

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I found many more Eastern Kingbirds.

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I also found Western Kingbirds.  I think this is a young one.

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I saw a lot of fledglings including this Western Bluebird.

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Here’s it’s parent, encouraging it.

It was a fabulous day leaving me with way too many photos to go through.  These are just a few of my favorites!