
Mother’s Day Tribute

May 13, 2017

Happy Mother’s Day to all who make a difference in a young life.

This year I want to acknowledge and pay homage to all our younger Mothers.

We typically honor those who raised us and rightfully so but each year I marvel at what good Moms my daughters and their friends are.

They are raising kind, honest, and intelligent children who will go out and live authentically in our world.

My daughters are raising their children to be thoughtful and considerate of others….

…yet able to stand their ground on issues important to them.

I so admire their strength in not giving in to toddler or teenager tantrums.

Instead they’ve been incredible at redirecting focus.

I’ve learned so much from them and admire their parenting skills.

My collective grandchildren will be an amazing group of individuals thanks to their Mothers (and Fathers).

Maybe it takes a village, but it starts with a Mom and Dad.

I share these photos of parents and children in their environment in honor of Moms everywhere….

…especially young Moms ~ they deserve applause and gratitude.

Wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to my daughters, my surrogate daughters, and your daughters.

I love, admire and cherish you…..and am forever singing your praises, xoxoxoxo